Wednesday, 20 July 2022

Are Men Also Using Vibrators? If "Yes" How and Why

We all know that in terms of sex toys popularity, the most popular sex toy used by women is the vibrator and this is why you will them available in bulk at every adult shop Adelaide. A change in trend that we have noticed recently is that men are also getting interested towards them and purchasing/using them. The big question that arises here is what has made men use this toy that is originally designed for ladies.

First of all, let us start with a small fact that there is an incredible growth in the number of men purchasing them and in Australia alone, 12 percent of the men surveyed accepted that they are willing to use these toys designed for women. So now this can be claimed officially that men also use vibrators, but the question here is how they do that. The answer would be found in the post below.


Vendors at online adult stores claim that mostly men who purchased this toy from them said that they want a vibrator to stimulate the partner during the sexual intercourse. In a research that has been referred above, more than 16 percent men claimed that they use vibrator when they are alone and this is mainly for masturbation. Men use vibrators to stimulate their prostate and induce orgasms and for this, they use something called a prostate vibrator. This vibrator can be very effective in terms of prostate massaging because of its unique shape and ergonomic design.

But amongst all, the top reason behind men using a vibrator still remains the same, i.e. they want a vibrator for helping their partners achieve orgasms and for spicing up their sex life.


Researchers say that mostly buyers of this toy from every adult shop Adelaide are married men or those living with a partner. Then, the buyers are those men too who are excited about trying new sex toys, sexual accessories and new sexual positions.


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