Tuesday, 14 December 2021

Cleaning Related Tips For Silicone Sex Toys

Silicone came as a boon for sex toys manufacturers because now they had something safer and better to entire more and more users. It took no time at all in silicone-based toys getting popular and online adult shops were stuffed with toys made from this material. Although, they were safer, but the stipulation of their closing sand maintenance was still there. In other words, it was said that to get the best out of these toys, maintaining them, cleaning them was important and some tips related to this are provided here in this blog post.


For regular cleaning, experts from all sex shops Adelaide recommend using mild soap and water. There might be some germs on the surface of these toys after you are done using them, so this is the ideal method to set these toys free from germs. The steps of the process are as follows -

1. Fill a sink with warm soapy water

2. Submerge your silicone toy

3. Use a clean cloth to scrub the toy with soap

4. Rinse the toy off

5. Allow it to air dry in a well-ventilated room


The silicone used in manufacturing vibrators and other sex toys are totally non-porous and this means that this material will not let germs stay there on the surface. But yes, the smell might stay there and to set the toy free from smell, boiling is what is recommended the most. The process of boiling is simple and the steps included in the same are –

1. Fill a large pan of water and bring it to the boil

2. Carefully drop your toys

3. Leave for around 10 minutes

4. Occasionally turn the toy so all the surface is exposed

5. After 10 minutes drain the pan and take the toy out

6. Rinse the toy in cool water

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Friday, 12 November 2021

Safe Usage Tips for Your Metal Dildo

 Out of several very safe materials used in manufacturing sex toys, metal is regarded as a very safe, robust and useful. Metal made sex toys have been used by people all over the globe for several years now and with total satisfaction too. The most used toy is the dildo, but some and in fact, the beginners who have just started using this product are always tensed about this material. They have several questions in mind and here in this blog post, we have tried to answer some of them.


Proper sanitisation is important for these products no matter what material they are made up of and for this; there are some cleaning products available at adultsex shops Adelaide. However, for metal you need not use any hardcore cleaning products because this is a non-porous material. This means that once you have used it to your satisfaction, you can simply put it under running water for a couple of minutes, wipe and then, store. There could be nothing better than putting it under warm water for some time and then, wiping it before storing. Boiling it for 5-10 minutes is the wisest step that you can take because this would ensure that the toy is now totally sanitised and cleaned for your next use.


If not cleaned well before and after use, you expose yourself to several problems like infections, fungal infection and some odd disease too in some rare case. This cleaning becomes even more important when there are a couple of friends borrowing the same from you.


As far as careful usage is concerned, you first need to learn how to use it and whether it is only for vaginal use or anal insertion as well. In case, you can use it both ways, the cleaning will again be a very useful thing. You would certainly not want anal bacteria or anal germs to enter your vagina somehow and cause infections and other problems there.

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Wednesday, 13 October 2021

Interesting Tips on Using Dildo Sex Toys

Dildos are very popular and have acquired a permanent place in the wardrobes of people loving to use sex toys for personal pleasure or to enhance pleasure during the intercourse. The best part about these toys is that they can be used in many ways both individually and with the partner as well. They are available in different types with different shapes, sizes as well as designs. Some of them come with a couple of balls while there are some very huge dildos for those in love with high power thrust and pressure. 

As far as the materials used in their manufacturing is concerned, there are different materials available and the safest of them all is the silicone. They are the true replica of the penis and the touch sensation is also like of the penis.



According to the vendors at adult sex shops Adelaide, in the beginning of using a dildo, users should be very careful and prevent themselves from thrusting too deep. The excitement level is really high while using this toy and users are recommended not to get carried away because this way, they may hurt themselves.


Once the confidence of using this toy grows, users can start attempting deep thrusts for cervix orgasm and for this, deep thrusts are important, followed by careful usage and positioning. This mainly involves sliding the dildo down to the cervix through deep penetration before drawing it back out. This should begin very carefully and slowly and the speed can be increased gradually. Experts of online adult store Adelaide add to this that right penetration speed as well as right movement and right position will deliver you the very rare, cervix orgasm.


For more enjoyment and erotic moments, experts recommend spooning and when this is done with two penises, you will experience a totally different pleasure. For this, what you can do is while having a sex; you can insert the dildo in the other part and get a tighter sensation.

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Tuesday, 21 September 2021

Tip on Avoiding Sex Toys Made From Unsafe Material

Sex toys have emerged as the new source of excitement, pleasure, contentment for humans and it is not that they are on the verge of replacing humans for sexual pleasure. They are basically there to enhance the pleasure that we humans derive from a sexual intimacy or a sexual intercourse. But just like with every other thing, these toys too have categories of "good" and "bad" at every online adult shop Adelaide. They are mainly categorised on the basis of how good they are for physical use and how they will react upon getting in touch with the skin or fluids found in sensitive body parts. This is something very important to be fully aware of because this way, you will be able to avoid potentially dangerous compounds that can be found in your sex toys. Here in this blog post, let us have a look at some tips that will help you know what materials are safe and what not.


The chemical make-up matters the most in terms of adult types like vibrators, butt plugs, etc. and you need to avoid them immediately, if they are not made from materials that are safe for humans. Vibrators and butt plugs made from these unsafe materials can cause itching, burning, rashes and tissue damage and even cancer in some very odd cases. One very commonly found chemical that is used in the manufacturing of these toys is called phthalates that help in making the plastic more flexible. But this material has been in questions on several occasions because of its link with severe ailments like male fertility issues, obesity, type-2 diabetes, asthma, neurodevelopment issues and more.

Apart from this, other materials or chemicals to look out for include:

  • Timethytin chloride
  • Phenol
  • Carbon disulfide
  • Toluene
  • Admium

The reason is that all of them have some links with damaging the fetus or pregnant and breastfeeding ladies. Apart from this, they also have some brutal effect on human body’s central nervous system. In this regards, you can use a handy trick for checking unsafe material and this involves sniff test. If a product has a strong smell, that's a good indicator that cheap, unsafe materials were used to make it.

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Tuesday, 10 August 2021

Reasons Why Lubricants Have Become As Essential As Sex Toys

The taboo that was once associated with the use of sex toys is now finally gone and people are now very open about the same. They have realised the fact that these products and accessories are solely for fun, pleasure, enjoyment and not to replace human partners. Therefore, they don’t hesitate at all as far as their usage is concerned. 

Different toys are there that can delve ultimate pleasure, contentment, etc., but it is said that when used alongside a good quality lubricant, their performance can enhance multiple times. This is a proven fact and this is why you will find people recommending this lubricant not just while using these toys, but also during the sexual intercourse, anal sex and even, masturbation. Here in this blog post, let us go through some interesting facts about this product found at adult sex shops Adelaide and why they are so important. 

  • It is a researched and tested fact that water based lubricants and jellies that add to the pleasure while reducing the pain during both vaginal and anal sex.
  • The water based jelly or lubricant is better than all others available at any online adult store Adelaide and they come with smooth, lovely and a slippery texture.
  • They are used to remove the friction that occurs mostly in dry vaginas.
  • They make penis insertion very smooth, pain free and a pleasurable act.
  • These water based lubricants and jellies can work equally well on sex toys, condoms, etc. 
  • Women can use them safely during solo masturbation or sex while having sexual pleasure with sex toys for men and women.
  • Cleaning this lubricant after the process is very easy and no efforts are required for the same.
  • It can be easily cleaned and washed out with just water or soap.
  • They are non-oily in nature, and come with non-greasy texture.
  • In a majority of cases, they are formulated with non-sticky ingredients.
  • They can be easily utilized with all kinds of adult products; men sex toys, vibrators and dildos.

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Thursday, 15 July 2021

Health Benefits That Users Can Derive Out Of Sex Toys

Sex toys arrived in everybody’s lives and they proved that if used sensibly and safely, they will only give benefits to the users. Yes, there are a number of benefits of using these toys and all of them are related to physical health and mental health of the users. A fact regarding them is those women have managed to extract more benefits out of them as compared to men. Yes, at only adult shop Adelaide, there are toys for women as well as men, but those used by women have more benefits and we have covered some of them here in this post.



According to some gynaecologists, using sex toys can help women overcome a number of menstruation related issues. They can get relieve in a number of situations like vaginal atrophy, vulva/vaginal pain, tightness due to vaginismus, vulvodynia, lichen sclerosus, gynae cancer treatments and surgical interventions; neurological conditions such as multiple sclerosis; lack of arousal, and low libido.

Moreover, it has also been researched that those who use these toys like vibrators face comfortable menstrual cycles and their body remain more relaxed and they can also experience improvement in their sleeping habits.

One more benefit is that there would be a significant reduction in the amount of sweating experienced by women during menstruation periods.


Researchers have proved that the use of slim internal vibrators with plenty of good-quality vaginal lubricant can help to increase blood flow to the vaginal area.

This way, the vaginal area will stay healthy and immune from all the issues arising there.

Experts add to this and say that by using a slim vibrator you can stretch the tissues of the vagina to enable penetration without pain.


Even in men too, sex toys like cock rings, butt plugs, etc can be immensely helpful in the overall health. It has been scientifically proved that using sex toys can set me free from several issues like erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation, lack of libido and post-surgical problems for a variety of conditions.

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Tuesday, 15 June 2021

Tips Related To Travelling With Sex Toys

What could be better than going on a vacation with your partner and soothing your body and senses with some great sexual encounters? The greatness and enjoyment of a sexual intercourse could grow manifold times with the help of sex toys, but for this to happen, you will have two options to go with. Either visit an adult shop there and buy new toys or the second is carrying each of your adult toy Adelaide with you. The first one is not an option for everyone, but the second one certainly is, but that might be complicated as well.

In this regards, experts say that travelling with sex toys could become very easy, provided that you follow the smart tips that we have discussed here in this blog post.



If you have battery operated sex toys and you want to travel with them, the smartest decision is to travel with them after removing the batteries. Yes, remove the batteries entirely from the adult toy Adelaide and put them only when needed. Another great option given in this regards is buying toys form adult sex shops Adelaide that come with battery lock. These steps will ensure that there would no chances of your sex toys getting switched "on" accidentally during the transit.


Careful handling is the most important factor and this becomes even more important while travelling and in this regards, experts say that the best option is wrapping them in soft clothes. Particularly those running on batteries should be handled carefully and the good thing is that travel kits are also available at adult shops for safe handling while travelling. This also applies to non-electronic toys (like dildos, plugs or BDSM products), which you can wrap up with your other clothes to keep away from most prying eyes.

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Monday, 17 May 2021

Understanding the Concept of Body Safe Sex Toys

 It has been observed that at the time of purchasing sex toys, mostly people keep their focus on facts like colour, shape, size, etc., leaving the basic element aside. This element is of the material as a matter of fact that they can be made up of several materials that can also be very hazardous for humans. Keeping this fact in mind, let us quickly learn a few very important factors related to the materials used in the process of sex toys manufacturing.

Adult Toy

At every online adult shop Adelaide, you will find sex toys of different materials and out of them, some are non-porous and some are porous materials. According to the vendors of vibrators and butt plugs, porous material is the one that you should avoid completely as the toys made from this material are the storehouses of infections, diseases, germs, etc. Apart from this, this is also a fact that cleaning these toys is very hard as compared to sex toys made up of non-porous materials. Porous toys collect bacteria and dirt, which make them very hard to keep clean. This can spread germs and even spread STIs and yeast infections between partners.


Experts further stress that your focus should always be on toys at in online adult shop Adelaide that are made up of body safe raw materials. These materials would not put any adverse effect on the private parts and stay totally safe during use.


Silicone is known as one of the safest materials to be used in the manufacturing of these sex toys and toys like vibrators, butt plugs made from this material are totally safe for use. Silicone toys are great as they warm up to body temperature more easily and can come in a variety of shapes and textures.


Sex toys made up of ABS plastic are also considered great as well as safe for our bodies and the reason is that it is very easy to clean and store. It is not at all harmful and can be used in manufacturing vibrators, dildos, butt plus and so on.

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Tuesday, 20 April 2021

Why Use Sex Toys And What To Choose At Online Adult Shop Adelaide?

Sex tools are basically the tools that can help you derive pleasure and enhance your sexual performance at the same time. For a long time after they came into being, it was assumed that they were for use only by women, but things changed with time. With the arrival of several of them for use at online adult shop Adelaide, this thought changed that they were exclusively for ladies. 

At every physical as well as online adult shop Adelaide, you will now find a dedicated section for men that include names like butt plugs to enhance their performance. A number of others are there too to be used by men for them to amp up their sex life and perform impeccably. 

Why Use Sex Toys? 

Of course, deriving sexual pleasure, enhancing the sexual performance and increasing love and intimacy between the couples are the three main reasons why ladies have vibrators and men have toys like butt plugs, cock rings, etc. But apart from these, studies show that these toys have several other health related benefits like the orgasms can decrease the chances of prostrate related issues and even sexual disorders such as erectile dysfunction. Apart from this, using sex toys promotes better sexual health and better orgasms and these things reduce the risks associated with cardiovascular diseases, boost immune system and not to mention, keeps you happy overall.

This means that these toys found at every online adult store Adelaide are immensely useful and you should also get one today. However, at the time of purchase, make sure that you focus on sex toys that are – 

  • Made Of Body-Safe Materials
  • Labelled Phthalate-Free And Latex-Free
  • Made From Silicone, SEBS, Plastic, Steel, Glass Or Wood
  • The Less Porous The Materials The Better

Based on these stipulations, you can purchase from the entire range including – 

  • Vibrators 
  • Bullets
  • Vibrating Panties
  • Clitoral Stimulators
  • Cock Rings
  • Classic Cock Rings
  • Vibrating Cock Rings
  • Anal Sex Toys

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Friday, 19 March 2021

Start You Anal Sex Journey with Butt Plugs Adult Toy Adelaide

In terms of sexual activity too, people can get bored of the regular activity very frequently and start looking for new and exciting ways and channels. They find solace in anal play, but the problem is that for beginners, this can be a really painful situation. However, experts say that butt plugs available at adult shops can be very helpful, provided that you know deeply about this particular accessory.

What is a Butt Plug?

This is a name given to a sex toy or rather anal sex toy that is inserted in the anus for anal stimulation. These toys come in various shapes, colours, sizes, different materials and so on, but the goal of all kinds is just one, i.e. to deliver ultimate pleasure and contentment. The fact is that whenever anyone thinks about anal sex, this is the first thing to emerge in the mind. At different adult sex shops Adelaide, you will find different kinds of butt plugs that can be battery-operated and non-motorised as well.

Anal Plug Uses

This particular adult toy Adelaide can be used in a number of ways and the versatility level can be determined by the fact that users of both sexes can use them.

Intensification of the climax is the one main reason behind people going for butt plugs and depending upon the type, their uses can vary.

Types of Butt Plugs

In terms of types of butt plugs available in the markets, the fact is that they are different for beginners and for advanced users. Those used by beginners don’t have any frills and are made with a soft material. On the other hand, the butt plugs used by advanced or seasoned users can be vibrating and battery-operated with your smart phone controlling the entire functionality.

What You Should Know Before Purchasing a Butt Plug?

Some important questions to ask to you before investing in any butt plug.

Which Size Butt Plug Should You Get?

Soft or Firm?

What Material Is Best for You?

Phthalates and Toxic Plugs?

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Monday, 22 February 2021

Get the Best Out Of Sex Toys with These Tips

The joy of buying new sex toys from sex shops is something totally different, but at the same time, the responsibility is also really huge. The main point is to invest in a right kind of toys from a right shop at affordable rates. According to the experts, this requires sheer amount of research and time and then, there are some useful tips as well that we have discussed here in this post.

Take some time to work through concerns you have about adult toys

Experts at every adult store Adelaide cite this fact that your current state of mind has a huge influence on how much enjoyment you will derive from your toys. If you are not relaxed or in a cam state of mind, no matter how hard you try, you will never achieve the desired level of pleasure and contentment. Therefore, it is recommended to be in a positive frame of mind and stay totally relaxed and not hustle at all when you are about to use them.

Think about your body and lifestyle needs

At the time of buying, experts say that it is very important to be aware of your bodily needs so that purchases can be made accordingly. Not only the bodily requirements are important, but equally important is to think about the level of pleasure or contentment that you want to deliver to your body. This self-assessment will help you invest only in the right kind of sex toys while browsing different online adult sex shops Adelaide. For example, if you need strong stimulation, but you're short on time, reach for a powerful, but easy-to-use bullet vibrator.

Research the finer details of your chosen toy

Apart from self-assessment discussed in the pointer above, one more thing recommended by the experts of sex shops is that you should research about the finer details of the chosen toys. The benefit of this is that you will be in a better position to use the toys safely and also buy only the safest toys. For example – toys should be based on your skin sensitivity type, followed by ensuring that only waterproof toys are purchased if you plan to use them during showers.

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Wednesday, 20 January 2021

Lubricants Not To Buy From an Adult Shop in Adelaide

 Lubricants, if chosen right can make the sexual activity more pleasurable than ever. But this is possible only when the product is of high quality and purchased from a reputed adult shop and also, in accordance with the adult toy Adelaide that you use. The reason why this much of attention is required is that there are potentially risky lubricants too available at adult sex shops. Here in this blog post, let us have a quick look at some lube materials that can be harmful for users.


  • Professionals from adult shop never recommend lubes made from parabens, that is the synthesised version of naturally occurring preservatives.
  • It has been found that it interferes with the natural hormonal functions and it also has an active role in diseases like cancer of the breasts and even issues with the reproductive system.
  • This material is also known to increase sensitivity to sunlight and it can damage the skin because it gets absorbed by the skin very easily.


  • Chemicals derived from petroleum and used as lubes are never a safe option to use alongside any kind of adult toy Adelaide.
  • According to the studies, these chemicals are most often found in hyper-osmotic lubricants and when used, they can ultimately lead to cell dehydration and damage.
  • Benzene, Phenoxyethanol, and PEG (polyethylene glycol) are examples of petrochemicals found in lube and cosmetics.


  • People have this misconception that glycerine is an affordable and really safe lubricant to use with adult toy Adelaide, but the fact is entirely different
  • Experts say that the fact is that glycerine is a source of energy to microbes such as yeast and when used in areas like vagina, glycerine can promote yeast growth and infections.
  • Apart from this, some people can experience burning sensations when reacting to glycerine in lubricant.

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