Thursday, 30 May 2019

Useful Tips for Avoiding STIs with Sex Toys

One thing that has intimidated people a lot in respect to using sex toys is the STIs or Sexually Transmitted Infections. Experts say that the confusion has actually held back the sale of sex toys on a major basis. However, sellers as well as manufacturers say that this intimidation can be brought to an end by making sure that the sex toys you are using are being used carefully, personally and as per the instructions. In this post, we take a look at some important points associated with STIs and sex toys.

According to The Experts, Stis Caused by Sex Toys Can Be Stopped Entirely By –
  • Keeping sex toys clean by washing them after each use.
  • Covering penetrative sex toys, such as vibrators, with a new condom
  • Not sharing sex toys
  • Having a different set for each partner

In this regard, experts from every adult store Adelaide are very particular and they say that the cleaning, maintenance and storage related instructions have to be followed. Otherwise, they can pass on several STIs including –
  • Chlamydia
  • Syphilis
  • Herpes
  • Bacterial Vaginosis

A fact associated with sex toys, if they are not cleaned and maintained as per the instruction manuals is that there will be increased chances of bacterial vaginosis. This becomes even more threatening for women who have a history of sharing sex toys. The chances of infection are also high in women whose partners have bacterial vaginosis.

Cleaning Sex Toys
  • In terms of cleaning these toys, the instructions are clear cut that everything mentioned in the user manual has to be tried and followed.
  • Experts say that in terms of how you clean your toys, a lot would depend upon what the sex toy is made of. For example - If they use batteries and have parts that cannot be washed.
  • For sex toys that can be washed, make sure you wash them thoroughly with warm water and soap after each use.